The 2 XL w/HFX Ground Station


The 2™ XL audio cable was created for both tube and digital amplification components.

The 2™ XL interconnects includes our legendary HFX “Floating Ground Station.” The new insulation is modified by the addition of vacuum filled microscopic glass spheres that lower the dielectric absorption. Our patented shielding is then isolated from the termination and integrated into the wire leads.

TARA Labs proprietary SAOF-8N technology (Super-annealed, oxygen-free, frequency-tuned, OHH continuous-cast, 99.999999% pure copper conductor) creates an audio cable that is absolutely fantastic with all types of audio components. The cable is extremely detailed and rich in color in the upper registers, a dynamic bass, and is dead quiet with both analog and digital sources. The cable is very life-like in its musicality along with superb sound-staging and imaging.

The 2 XL has a capacitance of 14pF (cable capacitance measured in picofarads / pF).